Curriculum for Office and administrative skills Vg3 / in-service training at at training establishment (KAD3-01)


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Laid down as a regulation by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training on 14 February 2008 as delegated in a letter of 26 September 2005 from the Ministry of Education and Research pursuant to the Act of 17 July 1998 no. 61 relating to primary and secondary education (Education Act) Section 3-4 first paragraph.

Gjelder fra: 2008-08-01T00:00:00 +2

Gjelder til: 2023-07-31T00:00:00 +2


Office and administrative skills shall lay the foundation for practicing an occupation in dealing with clients, services, and administrative office tasks in the public and private sectors. The subject shall contribute to developing competence in electronic services, rules regarding the protection of personal information and requirements regarding access to information. Furthermore, the subject shall promote competence in how to use technological tools for office work and information processing that can contribute to a purposeful and effective organisation of work.

Learning in the subject shall help the apprentice develop competence in customer service and office administrative tasks. Furthermore, learning in the subject shall help the apprentice develop knowledge of the company's organisation and strategy for communications solutions both internal and external. Learning in the subject shall promote competence in the use of economy systems and understanding of current regulations regarding environment, health and safety.

Learning in the subject shall help the apprentice develop competence in handling change. Learning in the subject shall emphasise the use of the company or agency's digital tools for organising knowledge and sharing information. It shall organise things so the apprentice can develop practical professional office skills related to one's own place of employment and function at the company or agency.

Training completed and passed in the subject will lead to a Trade Certificate. The professional title is Office and Administrative Worker.


Office and administrative skills consists of three main subject areas. The main subject areas complement each other, and should be viewed in relation to one another.

Overview of the main subject areas:

Year level

Main subject areas

Vg3 / In-service training at a training establishment

Office services

IT services


Main subject areas

Office services

The main subject area covers the company or agency's organisation and which services are offered; these include customer service, personnel management, office administrative tasks and basic administrative procedures. The main subject area also covers organisation of knowledge and information at the company or agency, and quality assurance of internal and external office services. Rules that regulate employment and environment, health and safety are a part of the main subject area, as is how to handle change and developments in an organisation.

IT services (information and communication technology services)

The main subject area covers the use of technological aids and tools used for administrative office tasks and for communicating with clients and users. In addition to this are included security routines to protect the company or agency's knowledge organisation and information systems. The main subject area covers guidance in how to use the company or agency's IT services, and current regulations related to this.


The main subject area covers the use of economy systems to gather, prepare and present information. Use of economy systems for purchasing, budgeting, basic bookkeeping, as well as wage and salary work related to personnel are all included in the main subject area.

Basic skills

Basic skills are integrated into the competence aims for this course in areas where they contribute to the development of and are a part of the basic subject competence. In Office and administrative skills, basic skills are understood as follows:

Being able to express oneself orally in Office and administrative skills involves communicating with clients and users as a part of all services provided.

Being able to express oneself in writing in Office and administrative skills involves preparing documents that are part of administrative office work and customer service.

Being able to read in Office and administrative skills involves acquiring, preparing and using information in daily administrative office work.

Numeracy in Office and administrative skills involves using the company or agency's economic systems to do calculations, estimations and when creating statistics when preparing presentations with figures.

Digital literacy in Office and administrative skills involves using office support systems and technological office tools and aids for customer service and administrative office tasks.

Competence aims

After Vg3

Office services

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • plan, execute, document and assess administrative and technical office tasks in line with instructions, routines, procedures and existing regulations
  • give an account of the company's organisation, strategy and main objectives
  • perform customer service by adapting the provided services to clients and users
  • use the company's client follow-up system for customer service and service work
  • use and evaluate information from manuals and digital information sources for providing services and administrative office work
  • profile the company for meetings with clients and users
  • work in line with current company rules and ethical norms, and regulations for environment, health and safety
  • describe the company's routines for personnel management, and perform basic tasks related to personnel administration
  • plan, perform and do quality assurance work in the company's knowledge organisation system and information flow methods
  • describe the company's knowledge organisation system
  • prepare and organise documents and information in accordance with company guidelines for layouts and use of language
  • evaluate changes at work and recommend solutions for improvements
  • perform work according to rules and agreements that regulate employment in office and administrative work, and give an account of employer and employee rights and obligations
  • perform office and administrative work in an ergonomically correct fashion

IT services (information and communication technology services)

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • use IT services to communicate with clients and users
  • describe and use company routines for organising knowledge and information flow
  • guide others in the use of the company's IT services
  • use the company's office support and technical office tools to execute administrative office work
  • use the company's IT services in accordance with current regulations for protecting personal information, and rules regarding the working environment
  • use office support systems to gather, prepare, catalogue and store information


The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • use the company's economy system to purchase, budget, keep accounts, pay salaries and wages and deal with personnel assignments
  • use the company's economy systems to gather, prepare and present information related to administrative office tasks


Vg3 Office and administrative skills

Provisions for final assessment:

Trade Examination

Main subject areas


Office services

IT services


All apprentices shall sit for a Trade Examination, which is normally carried out over a period of four working days.

The provisions for assessment are stipulated in the regulations of the Norwegian Education Act.

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