Curriculum for Cookery VG3 / in-service training at a training establishment (KOK3-01)


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Laid down as a regulation by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training on 5 February 2008 as delegated in a letter of 26 September 2005 from the Ministry of Education and Research pursuant to the Act of 17 July 1998 no. 61 relating to primary and secondary education (Education Act) Section 3-4 first paragraph.

Gjelder fra: 2008-08-01T00:00:00 +2

Gjelder til: 2023-07-31T00:00:00 +2


Cookery shall lay the foundation for an occupation preparing foods at different kinds of establishments that serve food. The subject shall give the apprentice a culinary experience and lay the foundation for preparing safe meals of the highest quality. Furthermore, Cookery shall promote the use of Norwegian raw materials and Norwegian and Sami cuisine at home and abroad. Cookery shall also contribute to professional development based on national and international trends. Cookery shall help the cooking trade continue in the future while educating skilled workers with competence in new technology.

Learning in the subject shall emphasise gustatory training, sensory experiences, aesthetics and nutrition. Furthermore, learning in the subject shall emphasise the use of resources and raw materials, preparation methods, hygiene and economy. All food production shall have a quality management system applied to it, based on hazard analysis and critical checkpoints. Learning in the subject shall also contribute to promoting a professional attitude toward service, cooperation, communication and equality.

Learning in the subject shall arrange for varied work tasks that require creativity and problem-solving skills, and which contribute to further developments in the art of cookery.

Training completed and passed in the subject will lead to a Trade Certificate. The professional title is Cook.


Cookery consists of four main subject areas. The main subject areas complement each other, and should be viewed in relation to one another.

Overview of the main subject areas:

Year level

Main subject areas

Vg3 / In-service training at a training establishment

Raw materials and production


Hygiene and quality management

Trade, company and environment

Main subject areas

Raw materials and production

The main subject area is concerned with handling and using raw materials and the utilisation and handling of fabricated or partially fabricated foods. The quality, properties and uses of raw materials is a central theme in the subject. The main subject area also covers planning meals with an emphasis on gustatory training, sensory experiences, aesthetics, nutrition and economy. Working techniques, production methods and storage, good use of resources and running an efficient and economic operation is also included.


The main subject area is concerned with planning daily menus for special events for different groups based on religion and lifestyle. Furthermore, the subject covers specialised diets, modifying and using recipes and estimating portions. Correct use of professional terminology shall be included.

Hygiene and quality management

The main subject area is concerned with food safety at all levels: selection of suppliers, reception of goods and raw materials, storage, preparation and production, and table-laying and serving of meals. It covers current regulations and quality management systems with an emphasis on hygiene during production and in the food industry in general and personal hygiene in particular.

Trade, company and environment

The main subject area is concerned with company organisation, employment conditions, economic results, service, cooperation and communication. It also covers ethics and environment, health and safety and other relevant rules.

Basic skills

Basic skills are integrated into the competence aims for this course in areas where they contribute to the development of and are a part of the basic subject competence. In Cookery, basic skills are understood as follows:

Being able to express oneself orally or in writing in Cookery involves keeping working plans, writing recipes, using professional terminology, communicating with colleagues in one's own and in other departments, presenting menus for guest and giving an account of and substantiating own choices.

Being able to read in Cookery involves utilising professional literature and information, understanding manuals and work plans and descriptions, and knowing recipes and taking and understanding orders.

Numeracy in Cookery involves modifying recipes, estimating quantities, counting energy and nutritional value, using measurements and weights in practice, doing simple price estimates and calculations when using basic preferred numbers, and evaluating profitability.

Digital literacy in Cookery involves using information, documenting own work and using digital equipment in the kitchen.

Competence aims

After Vg3

Raw materials and production

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • plan, carry out, evaluate and document food preparation for different types of places that serve food
  • plan and prepare meals that emphasise appearance, smell, taste, texture, nutrition and economy
  • assess the quality of fresh raw materials and whole or partially processed foods and finished products
  • select suitable raw materials and preparation methods for different meals
  • clean, fillet and portion out fish, remove bones and cut meat, game, poultry and fowl
  • use preparation methods and storage that maintain the raw materials' nutritional value and ensure good use of resources and economy
  • select and use hand tools, machines and equipment and carry out daily and periodic maintenance on these
  • promote quality, efficiency and productivity using correct working techniques
  • use new production technology
  • estimate portions and create meals and dishes based on recipes
  • make cold and hot dishes and lay the table for these, with a point of departure in basic preparation methods for different meals and menus
  • make broths, warm and cold sauces and soups with a point of departure in basic preparation methods
  • make deserts and dessert sauces and prepare the table for these, with a point of departure in basic preparation methods
  • make bread, buns, cakes and confectionery pastries
  • make meals with a point of departure in local, national and international traditions and cultures
  • prepare food for specialised diets based on the guests' wishes and needs
  • give an account of the most common allergic reactions that may come from foods and beverages, and consider this in daily work
  • prepare and package food for catering
  • serve and clear the guests' tables in the correct manner


The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • select and combine raw materials for meals and menus that satisfy demands for good culinary experiences and nutrition, and which meet sensory and aesthetic standards
  • prepare and calculate menus for different seasons of the year, events and groups
  • compose menus and meals based on the guests' wishes and needs
  • plan specialised diets based on the guests' wishes and needs
  • present menus for guests
  • use professional terminology when preparing a menu

Hygiene and quality management

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • practice good personal, production and food industry hygiene according to current regulations
  • perform work in line with current rules and quality management systems for receiving goods, storing raw materials, production, table-laying and serving
  • comply with existing rules and routines for the movement of people and the flow of goods
  • wash up; do other cleaning chores and inspect cleanliness according to current rules and regulations
  • handle waste based on current rules and regulations
  • follow routines for preventing and fighting insects and other harmful vermin

Trade, company and environment

The aims of the studies are to enable pupils to
  • give an account of the company's business concept, procedures for handling guests and organisation
  • discuss and elaborate on which factors can influence the company's economic results
  • comply with existing rules and regulations for preparing and serving of foods and beverages
  • discuss and elaborate on values and norms related to Cookery
  • discuss and elaborate on the company's working environment, productivity and quality
  • comply with requirements set for clothing and discuss and elaborate on the work attire's design based on aesthetics, hygiene and environment, health and safety
  • comply with current legislation for environment, health and safety
  • perform work in line with ergonomic principles
  • use digital equipment at work
  • give an account of the tasks of inspectorate authorities and areas where the inspectorate applies to the company
  • give professional service when dealing with guests and users
  • give an account of content in relevant national and international legislation applicable to consumer rights and obligations, including rules about the right of appeal
  • give an account of consumer rights and demands to product labelling and food safety, and current rules and regulation in this area


Vg3 Cookery

Provisions for final assessment:

Main subject areas


Raw materials and production


Hygiene and quality management

Trade, company and environment

All pupils shall sit for a Trade Examination, which is normally carried out over a period of two working days.

The provisions for assessment are stipulated in the regulations of the Norwegian Education Act.

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