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Samfunnsfag - SAF01-04
Samfunnskunnskap - SAK01-01

Main subject areas

Social science is a common core subject for all primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education programmes. Learning in the subject shall therefore be made as relevant as possible for pupils by adapting the subject to the different education programmes.

The subject has been structured into main subject areas, for which competence aims have been formulated. The main subject areas complement each other, and should be viewed in relation to one another. The main subject area called The Researcher is essential to all the other main subject areas within primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education.

At the primary and lower secondary level Social science includes the main subject areas of The Researcher, Civic life, Geography and History. Social science has competence aims after the fourth, seventh and tenth year levels at the primary and lower secondary levels.

In upper secondary education the subject includes these main subject areas: The Researcher, the Individual, society and culture, Work and commercial life, Politics and democracy and International affairs. Geography and History are continued as common core subjects in the programme for general studies. Civic life is integrated in each main subject area.

In upper secondary education, Social studies has competence aims after first year of upper secondary school (VG 1)in the education programme for specialisation: programme area for science subjects and the programme area for language subjects, social studies and economics. in general studies within the programme areas for social studies and economics, the

Within the programme area for arts, crafts and design studies, Social studies has competence aims after the second year of upper secondary school (VG 2). Social science has competence aims after the second year of upper secondary school (VG2) in the programme area for arts, crafts and design studies.

Social science has competence aims after the second year of upper secondary school (VG 2) within the vocational education programmes and in education programmes for sports and music, dance and drama.

Overview of the main subject areas:

Year Level

Main subject areas


The Researcher



Civic life


The Researcher

The individual, society and culture

Working and commercial life

Politics and democracy

International affairs

The Researcher

The main subject area is essential to all the other main subject areas in the subject. That is why one shall work with the competence aims for The Researcher at the same time as one works toward the aims for the other main subject areas. The main subject area deals with how one builds an understanding of the social sciences by means of curiosity, wonder and creative activities. Stimulating critical assessment about established and new knowledge in social sciences using sources and source criticism is an essential theme of the main subject area. The Researcher also covers communication, discussion and development of knowledge and competence regarding the social sciences.


The main subject area deals with developing an overview and insights into human history and investigating, discussing and elaborating on how human beings and society have changed over time. History also includes how humans create pictures and shape their own understanding of the past, and how this has influenced the present. Stimulating critical and reflective participation in society are central elements of the main subject area.


The main subject area covers locating and extending natural and man-made conditions on earth, and intends to stimulate an understanding of how and why these influence one another. Mapping out and discussing change processes are central themes of the main subject area, together with pondering the meaning of sustainable development. Geography deals with the use of maps and giving an account of the similarities and differences between town and country, and among nations and regions.

Civic life

The main subject area covers themes like socialisation, politics, economics and culture and deals with a sense of community and the differences and contrasts from a contemporary perspective. The interaction between cultural norms and societal control on the one hand and individual actions and choices on the other are key elements of the main subject area. The value of equality, co-citizenship and developing democratic skills is an important dimension in the main subject area of Civic life.

The individual, society and culture

The main subject area covers socialisation, personal finances, multicultural society, religion’s role in culture, forms of cohabitation and criminality. It also focuses on indigenous peoples, ethnic and national minorities and how xenophobia and racism can be counteracted, and who and what influence the lives of young people in our society.

Working and commercial life

The main subject area covers business and industry, companies, founding an enterprise, career choices and unemployment. It also deals with business organizations, employers and employment, the formation of wages and about the working community today and the principles and values that all these factors are based on.

Politics and democracy

The main subject area covers the political system on all levels and the welfare state. It deals with political parties and the things that can threaten a democracy. The main subject area also emphasises the connections placed on the system of government, the state governed by law and human rights.

International affairs

The main subject area covers international cooperation, terrorism, conflicts, conflict resolution and peace work. It also deals with globalisation, distribution of wealth and resources and sustainable development, and about Norway’s role as an operator on the international stage.

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