Examples of connections


Competence aims after Year 7

  • use simple strategies for language learning, text creation and communication
  • use digital resources and different dictionaries in language learning, text creation and interaction
  • explore and use pronunciation patterns and words and expressions in play, singing and role playing
  • listen to and understand words and expressions in adapted and authentic texts
  • express oneself in an understandable way with a varied vocabulary and polite expressions adapted to the receiver and situation
  • initiate, maintain and conclude conversations about one's own interests and current topics
  • explore and talk about some linguistic similarities between English and other languages that the pupil is familiar with and use this in their language learning
  • identify sentence elements in various types of sentences and use knowledge of verb conjugation and declension of nouns and adjectives in working on own oral and written texts
  • follow rules for spelling, word inflection and syntax
  • read and present content from various types of texts, including self-chosen texts
  • read and listen to English-language factual texts and literature for children and young people and write and talk about the content
  • talk about the reliability of various sources and choose sources for one's own use
  • write cohesive texts, including multimedia texts, that retell, tell, inquire about and express opinions and interests adapted to the recipient
  • revise one's own texts based on feedback
  • reflect on and talk about the role played by English in their own lives
  • investigate ways of living and traditions in different societies in the English-speaking world and in Norway and reflect on identity and cultural belonging

Formative assessment