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Art and crafts (KHV01‑02)
Competence aims and assessment

Examples of connections


Competence aims after Year 7

  • use various hand and electric tools to treat and join hard, plastic and soft materials in a safe and environmentally friendly way
  • investigate the materials of different objects and assess function, durability, and possibility for repair and recycling
  • build and experiment with stable constructions
  • use different concept development and problem-solving strategies
  • use digital tools to plan and present processes and products
  • draw shapes, surfaces and masses using techniques, such as contrast, shading, proportions and perspective
  • explore and reflect on how emotions and opinions are shown in art, and use symbolism and colours to express emotions and opinions in their own work
  • analyse visual instruments in different types of media and highlight a current topic through photography or infographics
  • describe diversity in dress traditions or objects, including Sami, and make a product inspired by cultural heritage
  • investigate how gender roles in cultural expression are portrayed in the past and present, and create visual expressions that challenge stereotypes
  • use programming to create interactivity and visual expressions
  • design and create an exhibition displaying processes and products

Formative assessment