Physical education (KRO01‑05)
Basic skills
Oral skills
Oral skills in physical education refers to the ability to listen and communicate in movement activities and to being able to explain and express one’s own experiences and reflections. The development of oral skills in physical education progresses from language exploration of movement experiences to further reflection on and discussion of important content in the subject.
Writing in physical education refers to planning, expressing and assessing one’s own development in the subject. This also means being able to prepare one’s own exercise plans. The development of writing skills in physical education progresses from using drawings, pictures, figures and plans to being able to write more subject-specific texts and illustrations.
Reading in physical education refers to finding, interpreting and critically assessing different types of texts and information, and to searching for the necessary knowledge to develop competence in the subject. The development of reading skills in physical education progresses from collecting and reflecting on information from simple instructions, maps and texts to being able to read more multimedia and subject-specific texts, map and pictures.
Numeracy in physical education refers to using mathematical expressions to plan, carry out and reflect on different aspects in the diversity of movement activities in the subject. The development of numeracy skills in physical education progresses from experiencing distance, activities, play and games through increasing complexity to being able to relate movement activities to such concepts as weight, speed, force, time and amount.
Digital skills
Digital skills in physical education refers to the ability to use digital resources to explore, be creative and solve practical challenges in the subject. It also refers to using digital resources critically and with awareness to develop a stable identity, awareness of the body and a positive self-image. The development of digital skills in physical education progresses from being able to follow rules for digital interaction and protection of individual information to using digital resources to plan and assess one’s own fitness and exercise.