Mathematics year 1–10 (MAT01‑05)
Competence aims and assessment
Competence aims after year 9
The pupil is expected to be able to
- describe, explain and present structures and progressions in geometric and numerical patterns
- explore the properties of different polygons and explain the concepts similarity and congruence
- explore, describe and argue for relationships between the length of the sides in triangles
- explore and argue for how changing the conditions in a geometric problem affects the solutions
- explore and argue for formulas for area and volume of three-dimensional figures
- interpret and critically evaluate statistical representations found in media and the local community
- find and discuss measures of central tendency and measures of variability in real datasets
- explore and argue for how representations of numbers and data can be used to promote different points of view
- calculate and evaluate probability in statistics and games
- simulate outcomes in random events and calculate the probability that something will occur by using programming
Formative assessment
Formative assessment shall help to promote learning and develop competence in the mathematics subject. The pupils demonstrate and develop competence in the subject in year 9 when they reason about and discuss geometrical properties and relationships. They also demonstrate and develop competence when they explore and analyse real datasets and when they make and argue about findings. Furthermore, they also demonstrate and develop competence in mathematics when they reason about and argue for approaches and solutions.
The teacher shall facilitate for pupil participation and stimulate the desire to learn by allowing the pupils to explore mathematics and solve mathematical problems through choosing strategies, by being creative, and by reasoning and reflecting. The teacher and pupils shall engage in dialogue about their development in mathematics. The pupils shall have the opportunity to try and fail. With the competence the pupils have demonstrated as the starting point, they shall have the opportunity to express what they believe they have achieved and how they have improved their skills. The teacher shall provide guidance on further learning and adapt the teaching to enable the pupils to use the guidance provided to develop their competence in solving problems and their competence in discovering and argue for relationships in and between statistics and other fields of mathematics.