Social Science (SAK01‑01)
Core elements
Sense of wonder and exploration
The pupils shall be encouraged to have a sense of wonder, reflect on and assess how our knowledge of society has been developed and established. They shall be given the opportunity to be curious and actively search for and create knowledge together with others. The pupils shall collect and use information from numerous and varied sources to address issues in society and their own lives. They shall learn to make critical assessments of the sources according to their purpose and possible bias, and how reliable and relevant they may be.
Diversity of perspectives and deliberations on society
The pupils shall learn to assess from various perspectives how the parts of a society are interconnected. They shall be encouraged to question the organisation of power, and how power works. The pupils shall also develop an understanding of culture, and learn to appreciate why people make different choices.
Citizenship and sustainability
The pupils shall learn to assess the background and consequences of, and the possible alternatives for, sustainability on the individual, national and global levels. Citizenship and sustainability involve an understanding of democratic citizenship, the societal dimension of sustainable development and how people collaborate, organise themselves and make decisions within society. This also involves the pupils’ training in coping strategies so that they will be able to collaborate in democratic processes and the development of society. Important content shall be presented through both local and global perspectives, including indigenous and minority perspectives.
Identity and life skills
The pupils shall understand how people develop their identity, and how they interact with one another. Based on their own life experiences, the pupils shall gain an understanding of who they are, and how they can master their own lives.