Natural science (NAT01‑04)
Validity and implementation
This is a translation from Norwegian Bokmål of the official Norwegian subject curriculum text.
Established as a Regulation by the Ministry of Education and Research, 15 November 2019.
Valid from 01.08.2020.
Denne versjonen av læreplanen gjelder fra 1.8.2020.
Version in force
- Natural science (NAT01‑04)
- In force from 1.8.2020
Versions no longer valid
No longer valid
- Natural Science subject curriculum (NAT1‑03)
- In force from 1.8.2013 to 31.7.2022
- Natural science subject curriculum (NAT1‑02)
- In force from 1.8.2010 to 31.7.2013
- Læreplan i naturfag (NAT1‑01)
- In force from 1.8.2006 to 31.7.2010