Natural science (NAT01‑04)
Competence aims and assessment

Examples of connections


Competence aims after Year 10

  • ask questions and formulate hypotheses about natural-science phenomena, identify dependent and independent variables and collect data to find answers
  • analyse and use collected data to make explanations, discuss the explanations in the light of relevant theory and assess the quality of one’s own and others’ explorations
  • use and make models to predict or describe natural-science processes and systems and explain the strengths and limitations of the models
  • participate in risk assessments in relation to experiments and comply with safety measures
  • give examples of current research and explain how new knowledge is generated through collaboration and a critical approach to existing knowledge
  • explore, understand and make technological systems that have a transmitter and receiver
  • use programming to explore natural-science phenomena
  • explore chemical reactions, explain mass conservation and explain the importance of some combustion reactions
  • use atomic models and the periodic table to explain the properties of the elements and chemical compounds
  • describe the greenhouse effect and explain factors that can cause global climate changes
  • explain energy conservation and energy quality and explore different ways to convert, transport and store energy
  • explain how energy production and energy use can affect the environment locally and globally
  • describe how researchers have arrived at evolution theory and use it to explain the development of biological diversity
  • compare cells in various organisms and describe the connections between structure and function
  • explore connections between abiotic and biotic factors in an ecosystem and discuss how energy and matter are converted in cycles
  • give examples of and discuss current dilemmas related to exploitation of natural resources and the loss of biological diversity
  • give examples of traditional Sami knowledge about nature and discuss how this knowledge can contribute to sustainable nature management
  • explain how photosynthesis and cellular respiration produce energy for all living organisms throughout the carbon cycle
  • use plate tectonic theory to explain the development of Earth over time and give examples of observations that support this theory
  • discuss questions relating to sexual and reproductive health
  • compare the nervous system and hormone system and describe how drugs, medicines, environmental toxins and doping affect the cell signalling systems
  • describe the body’s immune system and how vaccines work and explain the importance of vaccines for public health

Formative assessment

Assessment of coursework