Aquaculture - curriculum for common programme subject in VG2 (AKV2-01)


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Operation and production

Operation and production

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • carry out work at a fish farm in line with current regulations and ethical guidelines
  • register feed amounts, mortality, average weight, density and environmental parameters
  • calculate feed amounts and feed farmed organisms
  • explain the importance of optimal feeding
  • observe organisms and environments and evaluate changes in relation to the species’ normal appearance and behaviour
  • plan, implement, evaluate and document the cleaning and maintenance of boats, engines and equipment in the aquaculture industry
  • carry out sorting, weighing and transport of farmed organisms
  • assess risk in work operations and implement measures to reduce the risk of injury or damage to personnel, farmed organisms and equipment
  • prepare routines for safeguarding the quality of processes and products in the fish farming industry
  • carry out work at a fish farm in accordance with relevant environment, health and safety regulations
  • plan, implement and evaluate a production schedule with numbers, growth rate, biomass, density, water and oxygen requirements and feed consumption
  • elaborate on regulations that regulate the fish farming industry, and retrieve essential information related to the establishment of a new fish farm business in a specific area
  • describe the organization of an aquaculture company, starting with type of organization and an organizational chart
  • explain the difference between a budget and a financial statement for operation and investment in an aquaculture business, and highlight any disparities and the possible reasons for these disparities
  • explain connections between input factors and finance in an aquaculture firm, with particular emphasis on the significance of their own work
  • describe how the market for fish-farmed products has changed, and discuss possible future prospects
  • give examples of the market’s demand for quality and choice of fish-farmed products

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