Programme area for automation - Curriculum for common programme subject Vg2 (AUT2-01)
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Automation systems
Automation systems
- plan, install, activate, and document programmable logical controller systems for digital and analogue signal handling related to electric, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, and using digital tools for programming, configuration and troubleshooting
- plan and document control loops for temperature, pressure, RPMs, levels and amounts, and install and activate at least two of these
- plan and document the installation and start-up of regulating valves with appurtenant actuators
- optimise automation systems by using automatic and manual methods based on processing needs
- assemble, present, adapt, unite and do function testing on mechanical parts for automation systems based on material properties and the manufacturer's technical documentation
- read and explain process charts with appurtenant instrumentation
- use digital tools to produce charts, diagrams and mechanical drawings related to electric, pneumatic and hydraulic controls and regulating systems
- plan, execute and document control and maintenance of measuring systems for temperature, pressure, RPMs, levels and amounts
- plan, execute and document controls, maintenance and repairs to control valves, and perform mechanical work related to these
- plan, execute and document control, maintenance and repairs to hydraulic and pneumatic equipment with piping systems related to these
- plan, execute and document control, maintenance and repairs to machine armaments and equipment
- consider sources of electric noise in work with automation systems and equipment
- give users guidance on automation systems and equipment
- do functions testing on automation systems and equipment, and elaborate on the principle manners of operation
- measure electrical capacities of automation systems and equipment, and evaluate the results of these measurements
- troubleshoot automation systems and equipment after connection and operation errors, and log troubleshooting work
- do risk assessments and final control checks to work done, and evaluate the quality of own work
- describe the different maintenance systems for automation systems
- use precise terminology specific to the trade regarding automation systems and equipment, adapted for understanding by users, support personnel, colleagues and representatives from other trades
- carry out work on automation systems and equipment in a professional and precise manner in accordance with current laws, regulations, standards, and the manufacturer's technical documentation
- carry out work with automation systems and equipment in accordance with current safety regulations
- carry out work in accordance with quality control and internal control routines
- evaluate and test out ideas for products that can promote entrepreneurship
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