Curriculum for Baking VG3 / in-service training at a training establishment (BAK3-01)
Det gis ikke lenger opplæring etter læreplanen, men det kan være mulig å ta eksamen som privatist. Se informasjon om siste eksamen på fagkodene som er knyttet til læreplanen.
After Vg3
Raw materials and production
- plan, carry out, evaluate and document the production of bakery goods
- select and use hand tools, machines and equipment, and carry out daily maintenance on these
- evaluate the quality of raw materials and store and handle the raw materials according to current rules and regulations
- utilise the properties and qualities of raw materials to produce different products, and give an account of how raw materials influence each other
- give an account of how plussage of liquids influences the baking process
- make leaven and sour dough, and explain the significance of predough
- produce different bakery goods with the company's production equipment
- develop recipes and produce bakery goods for different user groups and different purposes
- produce layered doughs
- perform hand-kneaded work on different products
- optimise the kneading of the dough
- evaluate leavening and roasting different products and be able to give an account of deviations
- carry out calculation of quantities and use digital tools to calculate goods and production costs based on a given recipe
- discuss and elaborate on the significance of bakery goods for diet and health
- perform work in line with ergonomic principles
Hygiene and quality management
- practice good personal hygiene and production and food industry hygiene according to current rules and legislation
- perform cleaning and cleaning inspections according to current rules and cleaning schedules
- perform work in line with current rules and quality management systems
- store, aftertreat, package and mark products according to current rules for this
- participate in work with fighting insects and other harmful vermin, and follow routines established in this area
Trade, company and environment
- discuss and elaborate on the trade's framework conditions and organisation, and which factors can influence economic results
- discuss and elaborate on what professionalism and customer service involve
- give an account of content in relevant national and international legislation applicable to the consumer 's rights and obligations, including rules about the right of appeal
- give an account of consumer rights and demands to product labelling and food safety, and current rules and regulation in this area
- use specialist and technical terminology
- practice production and waste handling based on current rules and regulations
- comply with current legislation for environment, health and safety
- perform work in line with ergonomic principles
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