Biology - Programme subject in programmes for specialization in general studies (BIO1-01)
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Biology 1
The Young Biologist
- plan and implement tests in the laboratory from all the main areas, report on the work with and without digital tools, and point out sources of error in the tests
- carry out a major field study and use scientific methods to gather, chart and research different types of organisms, as well as present the results from the study
- observe and identify species from various biotopes and compare these with respect to common features and variation by using biological systematics
- extract information from biological reports, brochures, newspapers, books and the Internet, and analyze how the information is supported
Cell biology
- give an account of the structure of eukaryotic cells and explain the functions of the various parts of the cells
- explain transport between the cell membrane based on an understanding of passive and active transport mechanisms
- give an account of the structure and reproduction of bacteria and viruses, and relate this to processes in nature, industry and healthcare
Human physiology
- give an account of the structure and function of the central organ system in the body, and discuss causes of diseases associated with lifestyle
- compare the hormonal and nervous systems and explain how these systems are affected by various substances
- give an account of the immune system and other elements of the body’s defence mechanism against infection
- discuss problems associated with organ donations and medical criteria for death
Function and adaptation
- compare the structure and function of organs in various animal groups, with emphasis on circulation, gaseous exchange and secretion, in the context of adapting to different environments and conditions
- give an account of the main features in the reproduction of plants and animals in the context of the development of life on earth
- explain how plants absorb and transport water and solutions, and discuss how plants can adapt to different environments and conditions
- discuss how external factors affect the growth and development of plants
- explain and substantiate how behaviour as a result of evolution is part of the adaptation to the surroundings
Biological diversity
- explain what the term biological diversity covers, and discuss issues concerning the responsibility for safeguarding biological diversity locally and globally
- explain how a species is defined and how biological diversity is organized in a taxonomical system
- give an account of variation within and between populations of the same species, and explain what this variation means
- explain how biological diversity is linked with variation in habitat and niches in the ecosystem
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