English subject curriculum (ENG1-02)
Denne læreplanen har utgått.
Competence aims after Year 4
Language learning
- identify areas where English is useful for him or her
- find similarities between words and expressions in English and his/her own native language
- use dictionaries and other aids in his or her own language learning
- understand and use common English words and phrases connected to day-to-day life, recreation and interests, both orally and in writing
- use the basic sound system
- use some common grammatical structures, words, simple sentence structures and spelling patterns
- use simple spoken phrases to obtain help in understanding and being understood
- understand the meaning of words and phrases based on the context they are used in
- understand the main content of simple spoken presentations of familiar topics
- use some polite expressions and take part in simple everyday dialogues
- use some stock expressions that are common in familiar situations, both orally and in writing
- express himself/herself through drama, role play and improvisation
- read and understand the main points in texts about familiar topics
- write short messages and simple sentences that describe, narrate and ask
- indicate prices, amounts and sizes
- use digital tools to find information and create text
Culture, society and literature
- give some examples of English-speaking countries
- compare some aspects of the way of living, traditions and customs in Norway and English-speaking countries
- join in nursery rhymes, songs and stories in English
- express thoughts and emotions in the encounter with English-language literature and child culture
- prepare oral or written texts inspired by English-language literature and child culture
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