English subject curriculum (ENG1-02)
Denne læreplanen har utgått.
Competence aims after Year 7
Language learning
- identify and use various situations to expand his/her own English-language skills
- give examples of various ways of learning English words and expressions
- identify some linguistic similarities and differences between English and the native language
- use the basic terms from grammar and text structuring
- describe his/her own work in learning English
- use digital and other aids in his/her own language learning
- master a vocabulary that covers everyday situations
- use basic rules and patterns for pronunciation, intonation, spelling, grammar and various sentence structures
- express himself/herself in writing and orally to obtain help in understanding and being understood
- understand various oral and written presentations on self-selected topics
- participate in conversations on everyday situations
- use polite expressions and other phrases that are appropriate for the situation and suitable in various contexts
- express an opinion on various topics
- use listening, speaking, reading and writing strategies that are suitable for the purpose
- give brief spoken and written presentations on a topic
- read and understand texts of varying lengths and in various genres
- write texts that narrate, describe or give messages
- talk about currency, measures and weights
- use digital tools to find information and to prepare texts
Culture, society and literature
- talk about some persons, places and events in English-speaking countries
- compare the way people live and socialise in various cultures in English-speaking countries and in Norway, including the Sami culture
- read and talk about English-language literature for children and young people from various media and genres, including prose and poetry
- compare characters and content in a selection of children's books written in English
- express his/her own reactions to film, pictures and music
- express himself/herself creatively, inspired by English literature from various genres and media
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