English subject curriculum (ENG1-03)
Denne læreplanen er utgått.
Competence aims after Year 7
Language learning
- identify and use different situations and learning strategies to expand one`s English-language skills
- describe his/her own work in learning English
- identify some linguistic similarities and differences between English and one’s native language
- use digital resources and other aids in one`s own language learning
Oral communication
- use listening and speaking strategies
- understand and use a vocabulary related to familiar topics
- understand the main content of oral texts about familiar topics
- use expressions of politeness and appropriate expressions for the situation
- express oneself to obtain help in understanding and being understood in different situations
- express and give grounds for own opinions about familiar topics
- introduce, maintain and terminate conversations related to familiar situations
- use basic patterns for pronunciation, intonation, word inflection and different types of sentences in communication
- express oneself using simple calculations, currency and units of measure when communicating about everyday situations
Written communication
- use reading and writing strategies
- understand and use a vocabulary related to familiar topics
- understand the main content of texts one has chosen
- read and understand different types of texts of varying length from different sources
- take notes to create different types of texts
- write coherent texts that narrate, retell and describe experiences and express own opinions
- use basic patterns for orthography, word inflection, sentence and text construction to produce texts
- use digital tools and other aids to find relevant information and to create different types of texts
Culture, society and literature
- narrate about people, places and events in English-speaking countries
- converse about the way people live and socialise in different cultures in English-speaking countries and in Norway, including the Sami culture
- read children’s and youth literature in English and converse about persons and content
- express own reactions to English literary texts, films, internet culture, pictures and music
- express oneself creatively inspired by different types of English literature from various sources
- communicate short texts about topics one has chosen
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