Denne læreplanen har utgått.
Social Studies English
Language and language learning
- elaborate on and discuss the relationship between form, content and stylistic register in sentences in social texts
- analyse linguistic tools in texts in dissimilar genres and assess their impact
- assess his or her own language learning in terms of established language learning goals
- use a nuanced, well-developed vocabulary to communicate on social and political issues
- use suitable language appropriate to the situation in a variety of oral and written genres
- have a command of formal and informal language in a variety of contexts
- elaborate on and discuss linguistically demanding texts with a social or political perspective
- summarize, comment on and discuss differing viewpoints on social and political issues
- produce texts in a variety of genres with clear content, appropriate style, good structure, and usage that is precise and accurate
- use information based on figures and statistics as a basis for communicating on social and political issues
Culture, society and literature
- elaborate on and discuss how key historical events and processes have affected the development of American society and British society
- elaborate on and discuss political issues and systems in the English-speaking world, with a special focus on Great Britain and the United States
- elaborate on and discuss questions related to social and economic conditions in some English-speaking countries
- analyse a regional or international conflict in which at least one English-speaking country is involved
- elaborate on and discuss current debates in the English-speaking world
- interpret at least one major work of fiction, one film and a selection from other English-language literature from the 1900s up to the present
- present a major in-depth project with a topic from Social Studies English and assess the process
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