Curriculum for Remote Operated Vehicle Operations VG3 / in-service training at a training establishment (FUO3-01)
Main subject areas
The main subject area Operations covers planning, executing and documenting remote operated vehicle operations. The main subject area also covers submersible vehicles with different applications, equipment, tools and aids for use during remote operated vehicle operations. Integrated in the main subject area is communication and interaction, EHS and quality assurance systems, navigation, maritime operations, risk assessment, the use of digital tools, and current rules and regulations.
Operation and maintenance
The main subject area Operation and maintenance covers functions testing, taking measurements, troubleshooting, error rectification, keeping log books, control checks, maintenance and optimising mechanical, hydraulic, electrical, fibre optic and technical video systems. Integrated in the main subject area is mechanical, electrotechnical, electronic and computer work, hydraulic communication, the use of digital tools, quality assurance systems, risk assessments, internal control routines, safety, security, electrical safety and rules and regulations.
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