Physics - programme subject in programmes for specialization in general studies (FYS1-01)
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Physics 1
Classical physics
- identify contact forces between objects and gravitational forces on objects, draw force vectors and apply Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
- give an account of the concepts of energy, work and effect, carry out arithmetic calculations and discuss situations where mechanical energy is conserved
- give an account of situations where friction and air resistance mean that the mechanical energy is not conserved, and perform calculations in situations with constant friction
- state and discuss the first and second laws of qualitative thermophysics
- define the terms current, voltage and resistance, and apply the principles of conservation of charge and energy to simple and branched direct current circuits
- define and carry out calculations with the terms frequency, period, wavelength and wave speed, and explain qualitative bending and interference phenomena
Modern physics
- describe Bohr’s atom model and use it to work out frequencies and wavelengths of spectral lines in emission and absorption spectra
- use conservation laws to describe fission and fusion processes and calculate the energy released in such processes
- apply Stefan-Boltzmann’s law and Wien’s displacement law
- give an account of how information about stars are systemized in an HR diagram
- describe the life-cycle of a star and explain how elements are produced in stars
- describe and discuss the standard model for the evolution of the universe
Explaining nature through mathematics
- use parameter presentation to describe the rectilinear movement of a particle, and use derivation to calculate velocity and acceleration when the position is known, with and without digital tools
- create one or more mathematical models for correlations between physical quantities found experimentally
- use mathematical models as sources for qualitative and quantitative information, present results and evaluate the area of validation of the models
The young researcher
- elaborate on and discuss key features of scientific method in physics
- give examples of some explanation models that are inconsistent with physics, nor based on scientific methodology
- give an account of how a researcher’s approach, expectations and experiences can affect research
- plan and implement experiments and carry out relevant experiments within the various main subject areas
- collect and process data and present and evaluate the results and conclusions of experiments and investigations, with and without digital tools
- use simulation programs to show phenomena and physical relations
Physics and technology
- give an account of the difference between conductors, semi-conductors and insulators based on the current atom model, and explain doping of semi-conductors
- compare the construction of a diode and transistor, explain how they work, and give examples of their use
- give an account of how light detectors work in digital photography or digital video
- give an account of how modern sensors are characterized, and how the sensors’ characteristics set limits for measurements
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