Geography - common core subject in programmes for general studies (GEO1-01)
Denne læreplanen er utgått.
Competence aims after Vg1/Vg2
Geographical sources and tools
- read and use maps in various scales and undertake simple map analysis
- use digital maps and geographical information systems (GIS)
- make observations and registrations of geographical features while on excursions or when doing fieldwork and use these to consider nature and society in relation to each other
- find and present geographical information by reading and assessing text, pictures and statistical presentations from digital and other sources
- provide an overview of geographical main features such as rivers, lakes, mountains, cities and countries, nationally and globally
Landscape and climate
- elaborate on how the earth is structured, the main types of rock and how these are formed
- explain how internal and external forces shape terrain, and recognise typical terrain formations in Norway
- describe natural landscapes and different cultural landscapes and explain relations and differences between them
- discuss aesthetic and economic values in landscapes
- elaborate on global ocean and air currents and discuss what they mean to the climate
- elaborate on matters that determine weather and climatic conditions in Norway
- discuss and elaborate on causes of natural disasters in the world and the impact these have on the inflicted societies
Resources and industry
- elaborate on the resource concept and discuss what is meant by the term sustainable exploitation of resources
- provide examples of and compare various types of area use in Norway
- discuss and elaborate on environmental consequences of the use and man-made changes in natural areas in Norwegian and Sami communities
- provide examples of how resources have been utilised in Norway and discuss how changes in the industrial structure have impacted localisation and settlement patterns
- provide examples of localisation factors that are important for global financial activities and the international division of labour, and what this means today
Demographics and development
- elaborate on the development of demographics in Norway with focus on today's situation
- explain the causes of migration streams in countries and between countries and discuss and elaborate on the impacts of this
- provide examples of theories on population development and discuss and elaborate on global population matters
- elaborate on global differences of distribution and living conditions, explain possible causes and discuss how differences between countries could be ameliorated
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