Curriculum for Dressmaking VG3 / in-service training at a training establishment (KJD3-01)


Det gis ikke lenger opplæring etter læreplanen, men det kan være mulig å ta eksamen som privatist. Se informasjon om siste eksamen på fagkodene som er knyttet til læreplanen.

Mer om gyldighet og innføring av ny læreplan

After Vg3

Production and materials

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • produce tailor-made clothing from different materials, forms and colours based on drawings
  • transfer patterns to materials and clip and mark textiles
  • utilise materials in a craftsmanlike manner
  • do seaming by hand and by machine, and by using other techniques for dressmaking
  • analyse, try and modify garments on customers
  • select the pressing method to be used based on materials and expected use
  • form details, do draping, and create decor and accessories for the garment and attire
  • use and maintain dressmaking devices, machines and tools
  • present tailor-made and small clothing collections
  • document and evaluate own work
  • give an account of and comply with current regulations for environment, health and safety

Design and product development

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • make rough sketches of your ideas and fashion concepts, and make working drawings for producing tailor-made clothing and attire
  • take measurements of customers and construct and modify the basic forms
  • create and change patterns based on sketches, drawings and standard measurement forms
  • select and substantiate your use of cuts, materials, and stitching and seaming techniques
  • use digital tools in own design work and product development
  • use technical language to communicate with customers and others about form, colour and materials
  • present own products and services that reflect different trends, fashions and clothing history
  • carry out marketing surveys related to the need for tailor-made clothing
  • estimate material and time used, including prices for own products and services

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