Curriculum for Chemical processing Vg3 / in-service training at a training establishment (KJP3-01)


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Chemical processing shall lay the foundation for practicing an occupation in controlling and monitoring production in the processing industry and for purifying drinking water, sewage water and industrial water. The chemical process industry is central in work with extracting, caring for and further processing natural resources. The subject shall contribute to sustainable extraction and utilisation of nature's goods and contribute to reducing hazardous emissions.

Learning in the subject shall help develop the apprentice's competence in processing and production methods. Furthermore, learning in the subject shall contribute to the individual's development of an understanding of the relationship between production, environmental issues, economy and quality. Learning in the subject shall also promote communication skills and the ability to solve problems.

Learning in the subject shall arrange for varied training in the ability to assess and analyse processes, control settings and monitoring of process variables. Furthermore, the subject shall help the apprentice learn to work independently and cooperate across professional groups. Learning in the subject shall also promote respect, tolerance and equality. Working according to procedures, standards and requirements established for environment, health and safety are central themes in learning.

Training completed and passed in the subject will lead to a Trade Certificate. The professional title is Chemical Process Industry Technician.

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