Curriculum for Cookery VG3 / in-service training at a training establishment (KOK3-01)


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Main subject areas

Raw materials and production

The main subject area is concerned with handling and using raw materials and the utilisation and handling of fabricated or partially fabricated foods. The quality, properties and uses of raw materials is a central theme in the subject. The main subject area also covers planning meals with an emphasis on gustatory training, sensory experiences, aesthetics, nutrition and economy. Working techniques, production methods and storage, good use of resources and running an efficient and economic operation is also included.


The main subject area is concerned with planning daily menus for special events for different groups based on religion and lifestyle. Furthermore, the subject covers specialised diets, modifying and using recipes and estimating portions. Correct use of professional terminology shall be included.

Hygiene and quality management

The main subject area is concerned with food safety at all levels: selection of suppliers, reception of goods and raw materials, storage, preparation and production, and table-laying and serving of meals. It covers current regulations and quality management systems with an emphasis on hygiene during production and in the food industry in general and personal hygiene in particular.

Trade, company and environment

The main subject area is concerned with company organisation, employment conditions, economic results, service, cooperation and communication. It also covers ethics and environment, health and safety and other relevant rules.

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