Curriculum for Confectionary VG3 / in-service training at a training establishment (KON3-01)


Det gis ikke lenger opplæring etter læreplanen, men det kan være mulig å ta eksamen som privatist. Se informasjon om siste eksamen på fagkodene som er knyttet til læreplanen.

Mer om gyldighet og innføring av ny læreplan

After Vg3

Raw materials and production

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • plan, carry out, evaluate and document the production of cakes and confectionary goods
  • select and use hand tools, machines and equipment, and carry out daily maintenance on these
  • store raw materials and finished products according to current rules for this
  • order, control and evaluate the quality of raw materials and additives
  • adapt production to customer needs and market demands
  • produce confectionery goods that are suitable for persons with allergies and food intolerance
  • produce short-crust doughs and different short-crust products
  • produce mixed and whipped masses and use these for different products
  • produce roasted and blanched masses and use these for different products
  • produce flaky pastries and different kinds of puff pastry products
  • make, glaze and decorate party cakes, dessert cakes and individual portion cakes
  • use chocolate and marzipan
  • make products from raw material doughs and wholly or partially manufactured materials
  • produce confectionery goods with a point of departure in traditions and trends
  • carry out calculation of quantities and use digital tools to calculate goods and production costs based on a given recipe
  • perform work in line with ergonomic principles

Hygiene and quality management

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • practice good personal, production and food industry hygiene according to current regulations
  • perform cleaning and cleaning inspections according to current rules and regulations
  • perform work in line with current rules and regulations
  • store, aftertreat, package and mark products according to current rules for this
  • participate in work with fighting insects and other harmful vermin, and follow routines established in this area

Trade, company and environment

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • discuss and elaborate on the trade's framework conditions and which factors can influence company economic results
  • discuss and elaborate on what professionalism and customer service involve
  • give an account of content in relevant national and international legislation applicable to the consumer 's rights and obligations, including rules about the right of appeal
  • give an account of consumer rights and demands to product labelling and food safety, and current rules and regulation in this area
  • use specialist and technical terminology
  • practice production and waste handling based on current rules and regulations
  • comply with current legislation for environment, health and safety

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