Curriculum for physical education (KRO1-03)
Denne læreplanen har utgått.
Competence aims after Year Level 4
Physical activity in various environments and settings
- play and participate in activities in various environments where senses, motor functions and coordination are put to the test
- perform basic activities such as crawling, walking, jumping, hopping, sprinting, landing, turning and rolling in gymnastics and organized activities
- feel safe in water and be able to swim
- travel by and on water and explain the dangers
- interact with others in different activities
- know one's own physical limits and distinguish the difference between one's own skill levels and the skill levels of others
- use simple aids and tools from traditional and alternative physical activities
- play with others using different kinds of balls and participate in simple ball games
- explore, play and express themselves with movement to different rhythms and music
- take part in singing games and simple dances from various cultures
- ski and skate when conditions allow
- make and use simple maps for orientation in the local neighbourhood
- use clothing, equipment and simple aids and tools when outdoors in a safe and functional manner
- talk about rules that apply to being in a natural environment and being able to move in the countryside without leaving tracks
- name the parts of the body and ways of moving
- explain the importance personal hygiene has for health and enjoyment, for oneself and for others
- comply with traffic rules for pedestrians and bicyclists
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