Curriculum for physical education (KRO1-03)
Denne læreplanen har utgått.
Competence aims after Year Level 7
Sports activities
- perform various physical activities that strengthen the body in different ways that promote stamina, coordination and other physical development
- swim using basic techniques, including the breaststroke/crawl, the backstroke and under water
- comply with rules and principles for interaction and respect the outcome of the game
- use basic techniques and simple tactics in some selected individual sports, team sports and alternative physical activities
- ski and skate using different techniques when conditions allow
- experiment with physical expression and perform simple dances from different cultures
- ride a bicycle safely as a means of transport
- explain why physical activity is important in everyday life
Outdoor life
- use orienteering maps in familiar terrain
- describe local traditions in outdoor life
- participate in different outdoor activities and practice moving about safely in different kinds of weather
- plan and carry out an overnight stay in the outdoors
- practise some activities with roots in Sami traditions
- perform simple first aid
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