Curriculum for Laboratory work Vg3 / in-service training at a training establishment (LAB3-01)


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Laboratory work educates laboratory technicians in areas of research, production, diagnostics, forensic medicine, food safety, and health-related and environmental testing. The subject shall promote the role as professional laboratory technician in industrial working environments, medical laboratories and research laboratories. Furthermore, the subject shall contribute to upholding high standards for quality, safety, and traceability.

Learning in the subject shall help the apprentice develop knowledge about sampling, understanding production processes and competence in chemistry and laboratory techniques. Furthermore, learning in the subject shall contribute to developing competence in planning, control work, quality assurance and documentation. Learning in the subject shall also contribute to developing the apprentice's ability to be precise and careful in his or her work. Furthermore, learning in the subject shall promote professional insight and communication skills.

Learning in the subject shall arrange for training in analysis methods and the use of equipment. National and international standards and guidelines shall be central themes in learning. Furthermore, learning in the subject shall arrange for work to better understand methodology, product development and optimise production. Learning in the subject shall promote respect for human beings and the environment. Professional ethics shall also be a part of learning. Learning in the subject shall prepare the apprentice for an occupation with a high percent of job change and reorganisation.

Training completed and passed in the subject will lead to a Trade Certificate. The professional title is Laboratory Technician.

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