Curriculum for Laboratory work Vg3 / in-service training at a training establishment (LAB3-01)


Det gis ikke lenger opplæring etter læreplanen, men det kan være mulig å ta eksamen som privatist. Se informasjon om siste eksamen på fagkodene som er knyttet til læreplanen.

Mer om gyldighet og innføring av ny læreplan

After Vg3

Tests, analyses and methods

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • do work based on current environment, health and safety regulations and quality assurance
  • plan and perform work in line with existing procedures
  • select and use analysis methods
  • plan and perform sampling in line with flow charts and technical documentation
  • prepare tests for analysis
  • use laboratory techniques suited to the task
  • measure and calculate physical properties
  • use analysis instruments and carry out instrumental analyses
  • evaluate and verify results from analyses based on given guidelines
  • recommend modifications and optimisation for product and method development

Instruments and equipment

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • calibrate instruments and equipment
  • follow routines for order and cleanliness at the workplace
  • select instruments and equipment suitable for the work tasks
  • use, maintain and store company instruments and equipment based on regulations and routines
  • clean laboratory instruments and equipment following current regulations and routines
  • store and handle waste and old equipment based on current regulations and routines
  • use the laboratory's digital equipment

Documentation and quality

The aims of the training are to enable the apprentice to
  • evaluate and control work based on a quality assurance system, ethical norms and regulations
  • evaluate costs when choosing materials and working processes
  • document finished work in line with procedures
  • register and report deviations
  • ensure traceability of analyses, equipment and test results
  • perform work based on procedures, and evaluate time used against the requirements for safety, quality and profitability
  • evaluate the need for assistance to solve problems using other professions
  • recommend, discuss and elaborate on opportunities to improve efficiency of methods, routines and procedures
  • handle information from clients and employers in line with the ethical norms for the profession
  • give an account of the company's organisation, tasks and responsibilities

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