Mathematics subject curriculum (MAT1-03)
Denne læreplanen har utgått.
Competence aims after Year 2
- count to 100, decompose and compose amounts up to 10, compose and decompose by tens
- use the real number line for calculations and demonstrate the magnitude of numbers
- make estimates of amounts, count, compare numbers and express number magnitudes in varied ways
- develop and use varied arithmetic strategies for addition and subtraction of double digit numbers
- double and halve
- recognise, talk about and further develop structures in simple number patterns
- recognise and describe characteristics of simple two- and three-dimensional figures in connection with corners, edges and surfaces, and sort and name the figures according to these characteristics
- recognise and use reflection symmetry in practical situations
- compose and explore simple geometrical patterns and describe them orally
- compare quantities of length and area using suitable measurement units
- name days, months and simple times of day
- recognise Norwegian coins and use them when buying and selling
- collect, sort, record and display simple data with tally charts, tables and bar charts
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