Denne læreplanen har utgått.
Marketing and management 2
Situation analysis and market information
- carry out a Competition Analysis
- evaluate an organization's future progress with a point of departure in a Situation Analysis and Competition Analysis
- carry out a marketing survey, and present the results in written, oral and digital form
- prepare, analyze and interpret gathered data with the help of digital tools
- evaluate possible sources of errors and ethical problems when undertaking market surveys
Means of competition
- elaborate on and discuss the function of brand name creation and its role in decision-making progress for producing a product
- give an account of the meaning of the concepts brand elements and brand value, and analyze the significance of the brand name for market positioning
- give an account of psychological pricing, price sensitivity and price elasticity
- calculate prices with the help of value-based and cost-based pricing strategies
- elaborate on and discuss the different forms of vertical and horizontal integration
- elaborate on and discuss power and independence in a distribution system
- give an account of electronic purchasing as a part of a distribution system
- evaluate and suggest relevant distribution strategies for an organization
- elaborate on and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the various forms of media, and substantiate their choice of media mix
- suggest a realistic communication strategy, with a point of departure in the distinctive features of a market, organization and product
- evaluate how product, price, distribution and market communication can be used as an aid to improving competition factors
Human Resources development and management
- give an account of the role and significance of personnel and management within an organization
- discuss the possible consequences of personnel conflicts, and how such conflicts can be handled
- elaborate on and discuss how job performance reviews can be used as tools in working with personnel
- evaluate how an organization can work strategically with planned recruiting, motivation, skills development and evaluations
- evaluate measures to motivate and develop personnel as part of internal organizational marketing
Market strategy and market planning
- formulate a vision, a business idea and an overall objective for an organization
- formulate marketing goals by means of a goals hierarchy
- use an expansion matrix as a link in designing an organizational strategy
- prepare a simple market strategy directed at the consumer market, with a point of departure in means of competition
- present an activity plan and a simple budget in order to carry out the activities of the market plan
- explain how organizations can control and evaluate their marketing activities
Ethics and social responsibilities
- give an account of what is meant by economic sustainability in business operations
- elaborate on and discuss organizational social responsibility based on ethical & business perspectives
- evaluate the relationship between an organization's social responsibility and its reputation
- formulate goals for organizational social responsibility and prepare a company's ethical guidelines
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