Curriculum for the elective subject of Media and Information (MOI1-01)


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Elective subjects shall help pupils develop a desire to learn and experience a sense of mastery, individually and as a group, through practical and varied work. Elective subjects are interdisciplinary subjects that contribute to comprehensive and contextual learning.

The use of digital tools and different media sources to communicate and exchange information are a necessary pre-requisite for maintaining important functions in society. Editorial texts exist side by side with different types of published works, which are often unified through many different social media. Digital media provide us with the opportunity to acquire information, to express ourselves, to influence and get responses from others and, by doing so, exercising the freedom of expression that a democracy allows us.

The elective subject shall help pupils gain experience and insight into how we can actively use information technology in our everyday lives. The subject shall strengthen the pupils' communicative skills and allow them to learn about legislation related to publication. Evaluating ethical problems and using critical thinking are a part of the subject. Allowing the pupils to select an area for in-depth study within the different aspects of production is a way for the elective subject to help pupils experience a sense of mastery and to motivate them to learn.

Pupils shall plan and produce a web-based publication where the process from idea generation to finished product is learned. The content of the publication can focus on activities that occur at school or in the pupils' local community so that parents and other target groups can observe the pupils' learning and social activities.

The elective subject takes its main elements from the subjects Norwegian/Sami and Social Science. Elements from Religion/Philosophy/Ethics, Fine Arts and Arts & Crafts/Duodji may also be included in the subject.

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