Natural Science subject curriculum (NAT1-03)
Denne læreplanen er utgått.
Competence aims after Year Level 4
The budding researcher
- use natural science terms to describe and present one's own observations in various ways and recommend and converse about the possible explanations for what one has observed
- use measuring instruments, systematised data, evaluate whether results seem reasonable or not, and present the data with or without using digital aids and tools
- write reports and descriptions, revise the content of the report after feedback, evaluate the content of texts written by others and create simple digital composite texts
- gather and process information about natural science themes from different sources and provide sources
Diversity in nature
- talk about and compare the lifecycles of some plant and animal species
- observe, register and describe the changes that occur in a tree or another perennial plants over time
- describe the ways in which some extinct animal groups lived by gathering and systematising information from different sources
- tell about animals from nearby surroundings, discuss animal welfare and distinguish between opinion and fact
- investigate biologic decomposition and describe the cycle of nature
- practice recycling and discuss why recycling is important
- describe what can be done to care for nature in one’s own surroundings and argument for consideration when visiting nature
Body and health
- describe in general terms the structure of the human body
- describe the form and functions of the digestive system
- describe the human skeleton and muscles and elaborate on how the body moves
- explain why we vaccinate against certain illnesses, use information from brochures and digital texts to describe a common illness and how it can be prevented
- observe and describe how the body reacts in different situations, talk about different emotional reactions and the relationship between physical and mental health
Phenomena and substances
- create a digital composite text about some of the planets in our solar system by finding information about them and state sources
- recognise and point out some stellar constellations, tell and talk about myths and sagas related to the night sky and the northern lights in Sami and Norwegian traditions
- carry out experiments showing that substances and compounds may change their nature when subjected to various influences
- explore phenomena related to air and sound, describe observations and provide some explanations
- registrate and describe one’s own observations about the weather, measure temperature and rain and present the results in a graph
Technology and design
- plan, build and test simple models of building constructions and document the process from idea to finished product using text and illustrations
- describe constructions and discuss why some are more stable and can withstand greater loads than others
- recognise and describe load-carrying structures in various buildings in one’s neighbourhood
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