Norwegian subject curriculum (NOR1-04)
Denne læreplanen har utgått.
Competence aims after Vg3 – programmes for general studies
Oral texts
- compose and present a delimited literary programme
- analyse and assess the relationship between content, techniques and purpose in oral genres
Written texts
- read and interpret experimental and modernist texts and use these as the basis for one's own text production
- give grounds for one's own reading choices and present problems for solutions related to the texts
- master grammar and text connectors in the first-choice and second-choice Norwegian languages
- write technical texts according to common norms for technical writing in the first-choice and second-choice Norwegian languages
- write texts with a clear structure and a clear focus and argumentation based on facts
- use knowledge about texts, genres and literary techniques when producing fiction in the first-choice and second-choice Norwegian languages
- use terminology from rhetoric to analyse and assess texts from various genres
- assess the argumentation in texts of others and support one's own claims through arguments based on fact
- describe the development of one's own texts
Composite texts
- compare and assess texts that are transferred from one medium to another
- analyse and assess argumentation in and impact of texts in newspapers, on TV and the internet using terms from rhetoric
Language and culture
- discuss and elaborate on the modern project as expressed in texts by important authors from the Age of Enlightenment via Realism to the present
- elaborate on the modernist tradition in Norwegian and international literature from the final half of the 1800s until the present
- talk about the development of the Sami language and culture in view of the Norwegian policy of Norwegianisation
- elaborate on Norwegian language discussions and language policy from the 1830s to the present
- describe and compare the language situation and language policy in the Nordic countries
- elaborate on the relationship between spoken and written language and characteristics of a selection of Norwegian dialects
- use the central database of the library and other sources, both traditional ones and electronic ones, in one's own work
- complete the work on an independent task of in-depth studies and present this as an oral, written or composite text on a linguistic, literary or other topic from the Norwegian subject curriculum
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