Norwegian Subject Curriculum (NOR1-05)
Competence aims after Year 2
Oral communication
- listen, take turns to speak and respond to others during conversations
- listen to texts in both Bokmål and Nynorsk and discuss them
- listen out for, comprehend, retell and combine information
- play, improvise and experiment with rhymes, rhythm, speech sounds, syllables, meaningful elements and words
- discuss how the choice of words, use of voice and intonation create meaning
- talk fluently about events and experiences
- put own feelings and opinions into words
- describe own experiences of texts using words, drawings, song and other aesthetic forms of expression
Written communication
- demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between speech sound and letter and between spoken language and written language
- connect sounds to form words
- read upper and lower case printed letters
- read simple texts with fluency and comprehension on paper and screen
- use own knowledge and experience to understand and comment on the content of texts they read
- write sentences with upper and lower case letters and full stops in own handwriting and on a keyboard
- write simple descriptive and narrative texts
- work creatively on drawing and writing in the context of reading
- reproduce patterns from simple sample texts and other writing sources
Language, literature and culture
- discuss the origin and meaning of a selection of well known proverbs, terms and idioms
- discuss the concepts of dialect, Bokmål and Nynorsk
- discuss how words and images work together in picture books and other visual media
- discuss the content and form of old and new songs, rhymes and poems
- discuss characters and plot in fairy tales and stories
- find fiction and non-fiction in the library for own reading
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