Curriculum for Basic Norwegian for language minorities (NOR7-01)
Denne læreplanen har utgått.
Competence aims for level 1
Listening and speaking
- understand simple messages
- express their own feelings, thoughts and desires
- introduce themselves, ask and answer questions related to their own person, family, actions, events and objects from their close surroundings
- participate in simple conversations, ask what various things are called and what various words mean, and state that they don’t understand and ask for help
- understand and make use of key words and expressions to cover basic needs at school and during their leisure time
- understand and make use of standard conventions for showing politeness
- express Norwegian speech sounds: vowels, consonants, consonant combinations and diphthongs
- understand and make use of numbers in practical situations
Reading and writing
- master the Norwegian alphabet, both upper and lower case letters
- associate letters with sounds and put sounds together to form words
- recognize names, numbers, logos and signs
- talk about the relationship between image and text in specific composite texts
- read adapted texts fluently and coherently
- understand the main idea in specific technical texts, informational texts and descriptions
- write simple texts and messages digitally and in functional handwriting
- fill out simple forms with personal information
- find relevant books and texts at the library and on the Internet
Language learning
- experiment with speech sounds, words and expressions, rhymes and jingles
- compare speech sounds, words and expressions in the mother tongue and Norwegian
- employ simple strategies for reading comprehension
- give examples of how the visual picture varies, depending on the system of writing
- talk about the relationship between speech and written language
- talk about their own work in learning the new language and their use of different learning strategies
Language and culture
- talk about the content of some fairy tales, songs and poems
- talk about the content of puzzles, jokes or other humorous texts
- talk about persons and actions in texts taken from everyday life, in stories or in other literature
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