Curriculum for Basic Norwegian for language minorities (NOR7-01)
Denne læreplanen har utgått.
Competence aims for level 3
Listening and speaking
- express and give grounds for their personal views, and show respect for those of others
- take the floor, employ technical terms and concepts and participate actively in a variety of teaching situations
- present technical material orally, with and without aids
- summarize and describe the content of films, plays, radio and TV programmes, and describe their own reactions to these
- speak about their interests, events and experiences from everyday life and adapt this to a given situation, purpose or recipient
- employ communication strategies in planned and unplanned situations in order to understand or make oneself understood
- conduct planned presentations by means of role play, drama, recitation or interview
Reading and writing
- make use of varied and appropriate reading strategies when working with different types of text
- retrieve information from technical texts and use it to solve tasks
- write summaries of texts about topical subjects from newspapers, periodicals and the Internet
- read fictional texts in different genres and present their own response and reading experience
- give examples of what makes a given text easy or hard to understand
- read and talk about simple texts in their secondary Norwegian language form
- employ a varied vocabulary to express their feelings and opinions when writing
- recognize the following linguistic tools: repetition, comparison and metaphor
- structure text in consecutive order and establish a relationship between sentences and paragraphs
- produce composite texts with pictures, decorations and a variety of typestyles
- use texts found online and follow the rules of copyright and the use of sources
- employ rules for orthography, punctuation and sentence structure when writing
- find literature and material for their own writing assignments and work assignments at the library and on the Internet
- make use of dictionaries, reference books and digital aids
- describe and interpret graphic presentations of numbers and other data
Language learning
- talk about their experiences of where, how and when they use different languages
- talk about the use of irony and humour in language
- reflect on their own experiences with different reading and learning strategies
- talk about variation in spoken language, the use of the voice and body language in different languages
- identify similarities and differences between Norwegian and their mother tongue
- reflect on their own command of several languages and its significance for their own learning of subjects and language
Language and culture
- present their own interpretations of persons and events in relevant works of fiction
- present important themes in some key contemporary Norwegian texts
- talk about special characteristics of some Norwegian dialects
- explain the origin of some common Norwegian words and expressions
- explain how language and genres are used differently in different social contexts
- compare irony and humour in different languages
- compare irony and humour in different languages
- talk about how the Norwegian language changes over time
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