Blacksmith - Curriculum for common programme subject Vg2 (SME2-01)


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The blacksmith represents one of the world’s oldest trades, and blacksmithing is part of our cultural heritage. The blacksmithing course shall cover the market’s needs for forged handwork products and minor repairs, maintenance and restoration. The programme subjects shall for the basis for innovation and use of traditional forging skills, and help to take care of society’s needs for qualified blacksmiths.

Teaching shall provide experience with the malleable working of steel and development of the production of forge iron products based on traditional and more modern production processes. Teaching shall provide the basis for the development of trade skills and an understanding of the interaction between quality, form and function. The programme subjects shall help develop conscious attitudes to new technology, market mechanisms, use of resources and environment, health and safety.

In the teaching, weight shall be given to practical work with steel materials. The teaching shall take as a point of departure the requirements set for professional vocational practice.

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