Blacksmith - Curriculum for common programme subject Vg2 (SME2-01)


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Basic skills

Basic skills are integrated into the competence aims for this course in areas where they contribute to the development of and are part of the subject competence. In Blacksmithing, basic skills are understood as follows:

Being able to express oneself orally and in writing in Blacksmithing involves expressing oneself visually and orally about forging work and different work processes. It involves the use of technical expressions and participating in technical discussions.

Being able to read in Blacksmithing involves understanding on reflecting on relevant trade literature. It also involves interpreting and using written and visual language, working drawings and specifications with drawings and symbols.

Numeracy in Blacksmithing involves calculating weight, volume, quantity, angles, dimensions, relative strength and time. It also involves the analysis and construction of shapes, structures, proportions and compositions.

Digital literacy in Blacksmithing involves retrieving information, experimenting with shapes and composition, and documenting one’s work and competence.

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