Competence aims after Year Level 4
The Researcher
- formulate questions about themes from the social sciences, reflect on and participate in thematic discussions
- locate and present information about themes from the social sciences from suitable sources – including digital sources - and evaluate information that is useful and credible
- use basic netiquette for digital interaction and have knowledge of the rules for personal data protection that relate to digital media
- use methods for counting and classifying directed at investigations within the social sciences and present basic expressions in amounts and quantities for diagrams and tables
- write basic texts about social science themes and use basic terminology from the field
- create and illustrate stories about humans living under different conditions and compare their ways of living
- give examples of how humans have different opinions, that the meeting between different peoples can be rewarding and conflictive and converse about empathy and human dignity
- use the concepts past, present and future in relation to oneself and one’s own family
- converse about how Stone Age man lived as hunters and gatherers and fabulate about the first people who came to this country after the ice receded from the mainland
- describe central characteristics of Sami culture and way of life up to the Christianisation of the Sami people
- describe the main features of the bronze and iron ages and give an account of how agriculture changed life in Norway and in Scandinavia
- converse about and explain why 17th of May and 6th of February are celebrated, and tell others about national days in other countries
- find information on and present a story about one’s own family from a generation or two ago and tell something about how they lived and how gender roles have changed since then
- recognise historical remnants in one's own local environment and examine local collections, monuments and artefacts
- locate one’s home town, local municipality and county on a map
- name and locate the Scandinavia countries, the seven oceans and all the continents and find their geographic names on a map
- describe land formations and use geographic names to explore the landscape near one’s school and home
- tell about important geographical areas and land formations in Norway and in some other countries
- converse about cities, peoples and languages and plan and present a journey
- indicate and inform oneself according to compass points and explain why time differences exist
- compare life and work in Norway with some other countries
Civic life
- converse about variations in types of families and about the relationships and tasks of a family
- explain the rights of children and the different expectations girls and boys meet in everyday life, and converse about how expectation can be experienced
- describe how boys and girls spend money and discuss matters that influence consumption
- converse about themes related to sexuality, setting limits, violence and respect
- prepare an overview of norms that regulate the interhuman relationships and talk about the consequences of breaking with norms
- design and practise rules for interacting with others and participate in making democratic decisions in the school community
- discuss and elaborate on opinions about justice and equality
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