Estonian II, oral (FSP6403)

Examination and assessment

Assessment practiceFor external candidatesFor pupils
The subject code has assessment of courseworkNoNo
Selection scheme for examinationObligatoriskTrekkfag
Examination practice for the subject codeMuntligMuntlig
Assessment statementTallTall
Examination practice for the subject for the year in questionSkriftlig og muntligSkriftlig og/eller muntlig


First taughtHøst 2021
First examinationVår 2022
The examination has been preparedLokal
The examination has been gradedLokal

Subject name in different languages

EngelskEstonian II, oral
NynorskEstisk II, munnleg
BokmålEstisk II, muntlig
NordsamiskEsttegiella II, njálmmálaš

(Mangler teksten 'Fagkode' for språk 'eng')

Estonian II, oral (FSP6403)

(Mangler teksten 'Denne fagkoden erstatter' for språk 'eng')

Curriculum for the subject