Interdisciplinary Examination for Healthcare, Childhood and Youth Development, External Candidates (HSF1009)

Examination and assessment

Assessment practiceFor external candidates
The subject code has assessment of courseworkNo
Selection scheme for examinationObligatorisk
Examination practice for the subject codePraktisk
Assessment statementTall
Examination practice for the subject for the year in questionSkriftlig og tverrfaglig praktisk


First examinationVår 2021
The examination has been preparedLokal
The examination has been gradedLokal


Subject name in different languages

EngelskInterdisciplinary Examination for Healthcare, Childhood and Youth Development, External Candidates
NynorskTverrfagleg eksamen, helse- og oppvekstfag, privatistar
BokmålTverrfaglig eksamen, helse- og oppvekstfag, privatister
NordsamiskFágaidrasttideaddji eksámen dearvvašvuođa- ja bajásšaddanfága, iehčalas ohppit

(Mangler teksten 'Fagkode' for språk 'eng')

Interdisciplinary Examination for Healthcare, Childhood and Youth Development, External Candidates (HSF1009)