Music (MUS01‑02)
Interdisciplinary topics
Health and life skills
In the music subject the interdisciplinary topic health and life skills refers to the pupils developing the ability to express themselves through playing, singing and other vocal expressions and dancing. The sense of togetherness around music builds relationships between people, gives a sense of mastering and contributes to a positive self-image when the aesthetic and practical dimensions of music are in focus. Music is a resource for recognising, naming and dealing with thoughts and emotions, in good times and bad. Artistic expressions give the opportunity to understand your own emotions better, as well as those of others, and this forms the basis for good mental health.
Democracy and citizenship
In music the interdisciplinary topic of democracy and citizenship refers to the pupils developing knowledge about how music can be an important democratic resource. Working with the topic in the subject gives the pupils an understanding of how to use artistic forms of expression and aesthetic expressions in democratic processes. The music subject shall contribute to awareness of how throughout time music has been used to express opinions and to create and communicate identities. In music the pupils train in dealing with differences of opinion and respecting disagreement, and they develop awareness of the right to utter opinions and emotions and the boundaries of freedom of speech.