Social Studies (SAF01‑04)
Competence aims and assessment

Examples of connections


Competence aims after year 7

  • conduct social-studies-related research and present the findings using one’s own digital tools
  • present a news item on current affairs and reflect on the differences between facts, opinions and the commercial message in the media picture
  • compare how various sources can provide different information on the same topic, and reflect on how sources can be used to affect and promote particular views
  • explore how people in the past provided for themselves, and discuss how key changes in livelihoods and technology have had impact on and continue to have impact on demographics, living conditions and settlement patterns
  • describe geographic features in different parts of the world and reflect on how these features have impact on the lives of the people who live there
  • reflect on why conflicts arise, and discuss how both the individual and society can deal with conflicts
  • explore various aspects of diversity in Norway and reflect on people’s need to be themselves and to belong to a community
  • discuss what equality and equal opportunities mean for a democracy, and develop proposals for how to counteract prejudice, racism and discrimination
  • talk about human values and equality, and compare how human rights have been established and implemented in various countries
  • explore the main features in the history of the Sami people and the national minorities of Norway and make a presentation about the rights the Sami and national minorities of Norway have today
  • reflect on how commercialism can influence consumption, personal finances and one’s self-image
  • explore and present a global challenge that is related to sustainability and what consequences this might have, and develop a proposal relating to how one can contribute to counteracting such challenges and how collaboration between countries may help
  • reflect on how one and other people participate in digital interaction, and discuss what it means to use one’s judgment in the light of rules, norms and boundaries
  • reflect on variations in identity, sexual orientation and gender expression, and one’s own and others’ boundaries in connection with emotions, the body, gender and sexuality and discuss what one can do if those boundaries are violated
  • describe key events that have led to the democracy we have in Norway today and compare how individuals have the power to influence different systems of government
  • give examples of laws, rules and norms and how they function in society, and reflect on the consequences of any breaches of them
  • reflect on how encounters between people have contributed to changing the way people think, and also how different societies have been organised

Formative assessment