Norwegian (NOR01‑06)
Basic skills
Oral skills
Oral skills in the Norwegian subject refers to the ability to interact with others through listening, narrating and talking. This means using rhetorical skills and expressing oneself in an appropriate manner in different spontaneous and planned communication situations, including the ability to plan and carry out various types of oral presentations adapted to the receiver. The Norwegian subject has special responsibility for developing oral skills. The development of oral skills in the Norwegian language spans from early interaction in play and subject-related activities to using the spoken knowledge more and more precisely and with more and more nuances in the various conversations and presentations in the Norwegian subject.
Writing in the Norwegian subject refers to the ability to express oneself in a wide range of fictional and factual genres. This means developing personal written forms of expression and mastering writing strategies, spelling and text composition. Writing is also a way of developing and structuring thoughts and a method for learning. The Norwegian subject has special responsibility for developing written skills. The development of writing skills in Norwegian ranges from learning basic writing to planning, formulating and editing texts in various genres and adapted to the purpose, medium and receiver. Writing in the Norwegian subject means expressing oneself with increasing linguistic confidence in both the written first-choice and second-choice languages.
The first teaching of writing skills shall be in the pupils’ written first-choice language.
Reading in the Norwegian subject refers to the ability to read texts on paper and on screens. This means the ability to read and reflect on fiction and factual prose, to master reading strategies adapted to the purpose of the reading and to assess texts critically. Reading in the Norwegian subject also refers to reading multimedia texts that may contain text, pictures, drawings, statistics and other forms of expression. The Norwegian subject has special responsibility for teaching reading skills. The development of reading skills in Norwegian spans the basic decoding of sounds to reading, interpreting and reflecting on texts in various genres for different purposes and of different lengths and complexities.
The first teaching of reading skills shall be in the pupils’ first-choice language.
Digital skills
Digital skills in the Norwegian subject refers to finding, assessing and using digital sources when working with texts. This means using digital resources creatively in order to create multimedia texts and to develop critical and ethical awareness of what it means to present oneself and others in a digital format. The development of digital skills in the Norwegian subject progresses from creating simple multimedia texts to planning, developing and editing multimedia texts based on knowledge of how the different forms of expression are interrelated. This development also means demonstrating an increasing degree of independence and judgement in the choice and use of digital sources.